Legal newsletter for business entrepreneurs and executives, Number 15
Employment Conditions of Foreign Workers Share Ownership : an Overview Certificate of Intellectual Property Pertaining to Software
Francization – Bill No 14 amending the Charter of the French language
This publication was authored by Luc Thibaudeau, former partner of Lavery and now judge in the Civil Division of the Court of Québec, District of Longueuil. The title of this newsletter gives a good summary of the explanatory notes that serve as an introduction to Bill 14, entitled An Act to amend (…)
The Metron Construction Corp. Case: Another conviction for criminal negligence in the area of occupational health and safety
Since the adoption of Bill C-45 amending certain provisions of the Criminal Code in March of 2004, employers have had to take on increased responsibility in the area of occupational health and safety. Indeed, the effect of sections 22.1 and 217.1 of the Criminal Code is to facilitate the laying of (…)
The Court of Appeal rules on the scope of section 59 of the Labour Code with respect to a definitive business closure
The Québec Court of Appeal rendered an important decision on the legality of termination of employment for some 190 employees of the Wal-Mart store in Jonquière. In the context of several proceedings, which were filed to obtain compensation for those job losses, the United Food and Commercial (…)
Does an employer have the right to forbid the recording of cell phone conversations by employees?
In the era of smartphones and their ever-increasing sophisticated applications, it may be difficult for an employer to control what employees do with their cell phones while at work. What is the extent of an employer’s powers when an employee makes use of his personal cell phone? Does an (…)
Legal newsletter for business entrepreneurs and executives, Number 14
Last Call: Do you have any private corporation shares in your RRSP? Plan Nord: Maximize your business opportunities Can the refusal to sign a non-competition clause constitute a just and sufficient cause for dismissal?
The Arbitrator’s decision in the case of Centre Jeunesse de Montréal – It has the authority to set rules for proper dress, piercings, tattoos and personal appearance in the workplace
The employer, Centre jeunesse de Montréal – University Institute (hereinafter the "Centre"), adopted a dress code as well as a piercings, tattoos and personal appearance policy for its employees (hereinafter the "Policy").Although the validity of the Policy was contested by (…)
The Court of Appeal confirms that a distinction based on age provided for by section 56 of the AIAOD is not discriminatory
On June 14, 2012, the Quebec Court of Appeal confirmed the validity of the second paragraph of section 56 of the Act Respecting Industrial Accidents and Occupational Diseases (hereinafter the “AIAOD” or the “Act”). Although this paragraph establishes a distinction based on (…)
Quarterly legal newsletter intended for accounting, management, and finance professionals, Number 16
The Trust : An Efficient Asset Protection Tool? Amendments to the Obligations of Employers Hiring Foreign Workers – One Year Later: Are you Ready for Service Canada’s Verification? Did you Know? Trustee’s Tax Liability
Can the refusal to sign a non-competition clause constitute just and sufficient cause for dismissal?
In a recent decision, Jean c. Omegachem inc., the Court of Appeal answered that question by ruling that an employee’s refusal to sign a non-competition agreement during employment, which had been discussed when the employee was hired but presented to him three years after commencement of (…)
Negotiations in the construction industry: At last a role for the ultimate clients
Bill 33, whose very title announced the elimination of union placement of employees to improve the operation of the construction industry, was assented to on December 2, 2011, and it has raised a lot of comments.The media made a great deal of the changes proposed in this Bill, regarding mainly union (…)
Legal newsletter for business entrepreneurs and executives, Number 12
The Powers of CSST Inspectors Confidentiality Agreements : The importance of Protecting your Secrets Your First Financing with a Financial Institution
Disciplinary Measures relating to the use of Computer Equipment : Coca-Cola is forced to reinstate an employee
The Commission des relations du travail (the «Commission») recently ruled on the way in which an employer proceeded to impose a disciplinary measure on an employee due to his use of computer equipment belonging to the employer.On October 11, 2011, the Commission allowed the complaint (…)