On October 15, 2007, the Minister of Justice and Minister of Public Security, Mr. Jacques P. Dupuis, awarded the Prix de la Justice Award to our partner, Mtre Jean Saint-Onge, Ad. E., in recognition of his exceptional contribution to promoting the well-being of children who are victims of mistreatment. The event was held in the National Assembly’s Legislative Council chamber in the presence of the family and friends of the recipient. Mr. Justice J. J. Michel Robert, Chief Justice of the Quebec Court of Appeal and chairman of the selection committee, was also in attendance.
When presenting the award to him, the Minister of Justice highlighted Mtre Saint-Onge’s commitment to promoting the fundamental values of justice within Quebec society: accessibility, quality and universality.
For more than 20 years, Mtre Saint-Onge has devoted himself through the Marie-Vincent Foundation to the cause of children who are victims of mistreatment. He has made the Foundation’s mission his own, which is to help Quebec children less than 12 years old who are victims of mistreatment, and more particularly sexual abuse. The Foundation raises funds to finance preventive and educational activities and provide support to the young victims and their families.
“To be faithful to a cause for twenty years is already remarkable in itself. But to devote oneself voluntarily, without counting one’s hours, with conviction and fervour, as is the case for Mtre Saint-Onge, wins our admiration and respect” said the Minister.
Mtre Saint-Onge was also honoured in early 2007 by the Québec Bar, which simultaneously conferred on him the Mérite 2007 award and a new honour, the title of Advocatus Emeritus (Ad. E.).