Valérie Korozs, Labour and Employment Law associate at Lavery, in cooperation with Guy Lemay, Labour and Employment law partner at Lavery, and Ms. Émilie Thibault and Léa Pelletier-Marcotte, students at Lavery, is the author of a chapter in the latest volume Développements récents en droit du travail published by the Quebec Bar’s Continuing Education Service at Éditions Yvon Blais, in March 2015.
Her article, entitled « Congédiement pour motifs économiques : l’approche de la Commission des relations du travail » [Dismissal for economic reasons : the Commission des relations de travail’s approach] reviews decisions of interest as well as trends before the Commission des relations de travail on matters relating to temrination for economic reasons. She analyses the burden of proof the employer must meet, and explores the CRT’s approach following a substantial decrease in employment conditions for financial considerations.
For more information or to order the publication, click here.