A judge grants application to dismiss medical resident’s recourse for a second time and, of his own motion, considers declaring her quarrelsome
On November 15, 2024,1 in Bouchelaghem v. Université Laval,2 Superior Court Mr. Robert Dufresne granted an application for dismissal on the grounds of res judicata and abuse. His judgment is a reminder of the importance of the presumption of judgments’ validity and stability, principles linked to (…)
Serious Illness Insurance Coverage: An Applicant Hides His True Health Condition in Order to Deceive the Insurer
Recently,1 Justice Isabelle Germain of Quebec’s Superior Court ruled on a case involving insurance fraud in the matter of Paul-Hus v. Sun Life Canada, compagnie d’assurance-vie2. This ruling illustrates that applicants must answer the insurer’s questions honestly; should an applicant try to mislead (…)
Impact of technology on the practice of law
Technology is now a part of our day-to-day lives, and we’ve learned how to use it. But what about our judicial institutions? What impact does technology have on the administration of proof and the practice of law? The Court of Appeal provides us with some solutions (and grounds for discussion) in (…)