
This section keeps you up-to-date on the latest news and upcoming public appearances of Lavery professionals.

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  1. Pier-Olivier Fradette of Lavery to give COMBEQ training session in partnership with the MMQ

    Throughout 2016, Pier-Olivier Fradette, a lawyer whose practice focuses on municipal law, land use planning, and municipal contract management, will be giving a COMBEQ (Corporation des officiers municipaux en bâtiment et en environnement du Québec)  and MMQ (Mutuelle des Municipalités du Québec) training session in several Quebec cities. The session, which is entitled “Permit, certificate or attestation issuance: an inventory of rules to be followed” (“Émission des permis, certificats ou attestations : inventaire des règles a` respecter”) will allow participants to broaden their knowledge regarding the latest changes in legislative and jurisprudential orientation in this field. This training is accredited to contribute to obtain the title of municipal officer in building and environment. For more information or to register for the session, please click here (link to French-only registration page).

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  2. Pier-Olivier Fradette speaks on the contractual freedom of municipalities

    On November 16, 2015, at Lavery’s Quebec City office, Pier-Olivier Fradette, a municipal law associate, gave a conference entitled “La liberté contractuelle des municipalités” (Contractual freedom of municipalities). Presented to Lavery clients from the municipal sector, this conference was designed to expose simple mistakes frequently made when drafting municipal contracts, which ultimately cause interpretation issues or lead to legal actions before the courts. Tools were given to municipal writers to help them avoid these mistakes and therefore diminish the risks of legal disputes in their municipalities.

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