On May 27th, Louis Charette and Bernard Larocque, both partners at Lavery, gave a conference entitled “Les montants de rétention ‘self-insured retention’: quelle est leur étendue en droit civil québécois?” at the Conference on Recent Developments in Insurance Law, organized by the Continuing Education Department of the Quebec Bar.
Although infrequent, self-insured retentions are sometimes found in certain liability insurance policies, and raise complex legal problems in Quebec civil law. Mr. Charette and Mr. Larocque summarized the current state of the law in Quebec in this regard and discussed some of the issues raised by these retentions, which our courts will eventually have to address.
This seminar inspired the publication of a text in a book called “Développements récents en droit des assurances” published by the continuing education department of the Quebec Bar, Editions Yvon Blais, and authored by Louis Charette, Bernard Larocque and Maude Lafortune-Bélair.