Pier-Olivier Fradette, municipal affairs lawyer at Lavery, recently delivered two training sessions (in French) in Lac-Etchemin on behalf of the Association des directeurs municipaux du Québec (ADMQ).
The first training session, titled “Volunteer groups operating under the umbrella of the municipality: what are the ground rules?,” dealt with the municipal by-laws and issues to consider before creating an organization along with the legal implications. The second training session, “The ABCs of ministerial authorizations and approval related to municipal finance,” explained the procedures related to the approval of borrowing by-laws, the authorization of credit commitments and the authorization of surety bonds.
In the first training session, participants learned about the various municipal by-laws applicable to organizations depending on their legal status and the granting of financial support or assistance to those organizations. In the second training session, participants learned about best practices pertaining to borrowing, the various options for municipal taxation, and cases where it is not necessary to obtain ministerial approval or authorization to borrow.
The two training sessions were offered to the CEOs of municipalities and will be presented again on November 22, 2016, in Trois-Rivières.