Employers: What is defamation and how do you protect your reputation?
At a time when it is becoming harder to distinguish true information from fake news and when a photo posted on social media can travel the world, companies are eager to do all they can to protect their image. What about when it’s your own employees who tarnish your company's reputation? Defamatory (…)
3 things employers need to know about the modernization of the Canada Labour Code
As an employer, you may occasionally be required to impose disciplinary measures on problem employees. Handling such difficult situations requires an objective, planned approach so as to put an end to the misconduct and minimize the risk of litigation. To assist you in implementing your intervention (…)
Amendments to the Pay Equity Act: What are the changes to expect?
On April 10, 2019, came into force several long-awaited amendments to the Pay Equity Act, which are mainly intended to improve the pay equity audit process. These amendments follow last year’s Supreme Court of Canada ("SCC") judgment1. We discussed these judgments in a previous bulletin. It should (…)
Disciplinary measures: What should employers do to reduce the risk of litigation?
As an employer, you may occasionally be required to impose disciplinary measures on problem employees. Handling such difficult situations requires an objective, planned approach so as to put an end to the misconduct and minimize the risk of litigation. To assist you in implementing your intervention (…)
Personnel placement and recruitment agencies : what are the constraints of the new regulation?
In June 2018, amendments made to the Labour Standards Act ("LSA") included additional obligations and responsibilities for personnel placement agencies and temporary foreign worker recruitment agencies (the "Agencies"). However, these amendments were only supposed to come into effect on the date (…)
“ Don't work here! ”: Employers' denigration may prove very costly
The Québec Superior Court has ordered a former employee to pay her employer $11,000 in moral and punitive damages because she posted defamatory comments about the company on 1. In doing so, the employee contravened her loyalty obligations and the confidentiality and (…)
Recruitment: Why you need to prepare your interview questions?
During a job interview, an employer cannot ask questions that involve grounds for discrimination prohibited under the Charter of Human Rights and Freedoms1 (the “Charter”), including the religion, marital status, or ethnic or national origin of a candidate. Simply asking such questions could result (…)
Is the duty of loyalty a limit to freedom of expression?
The right to freedom of expression is not absolute. It does not permit employees to comment on political events unrelated to their workplace at all times and an employer can intervene if an employee expresses his opinions at work and on social networks. An employer has the right to request that his (…)
Employer-sponsored holiday parties: What are you liable for?
Your guests have arrived and it’s time to give the toast! Are you ready to celebrate? December is undoubtedly the most festive month of the year. It’s a great opportunity for employers to thank their employees for the services rendered during the year, but also for employees to interact with their (…)
Employers: 6 main amendments to the Act respecting labour standards
On June 12, 2018, the Act respecting labour standards (the “Act”) was amended to give employees more flexibility in order to improve their family work balance. Here is an overview of the main changes made to the Act. The reference guide specifies which amendments will be coming into force on (…)
Cannabis legalization: a reference guide for employers
The use of cannabis for recreational purposes will be legal in Canada as of October 17, 2018. Employers will have to manage cannabis consumption in the workplace to ensure that employees do their work safely while respecting applicable laws. Summary of the law in Quebec Considering the various (…)
New Regulation Respecting Immigration to Québec: Economic needs of Quebec and its regions come first
The new Regulation Respecting Immigration to Québec (“RIQ”), the purpose of which includes fostering the participation of immigrants in the development of Quebec and alleviating the labour shortage currently experienced by many employers in the region, came into force on August 2nd, 2018. The (…)
A new step in processing requests for accommodations on religious ground
On July 1st, 2018, the provisions of the Act to foster adherence to state religious neutrality and, in particular, to provide a framework for requests for accommodations on religious grounds in certain bodies, RLRQ, c. R-26.2.01 (“Act”) came into force. This Act applies to the “public bodies” that (…)