Kabrina Péron Lawyer

Kabrina Péron Lawyer


  • Montréal

Phone number

514 878-5463

Bar Admission

  • Québec, 2022


  • English
  • French

Practice areas



Kabrina Péron is a member of the Labour and Employment Law group. She joined Lavery as a student in the winter of 2021 and completed her Bar internship in 2022. She is completing her bachelor's degree in civil law (cooperative program) as well as a master's degree in business administration at the University of Sherbrooke.

During her law studies, Kabrina was coordinator of the Pro bono students Canada program. She is also teaching a documentary research course addressed to first-year law students. She is also collaborating with a professor as a research assistant in Banking Law and Cyber Security and Privacy Law.

Kabrina worked at the subsidiary of a Canadian bank specializing in equipment financing during the summer of 2019 as a law student. In addition, in the fall of 2020, she undertook a clinical activity at Legal Aid in Sherbrooke.


  • LL.B., Université de Sherbrooke, expected to be achieved in 2021
  • MBA, Université de Sherbrooke, expected to be achieved in 2021

Boards and Professional Affiliations

  • Administrator of the Caisse Desjardins des Seigneuries de la Frontière, since 2022
  • Coordinator, Comité Coach-recrue of the Université de Sherbrooke, 2018-2020
  • Coordinator, Pro bono students Canada, 2018-2019
  1. Harassment and Violence in the Workplace: An Overview of Recent Legislative Changes Introduced by Bill 42

    Introduction In 2020, faced with statistics showing that nearly one in two women and three in ten men believed they had suffered sexual harassment or assault in the workplace,1 the Minister of Labour expressed its intention to help prevent and address this issue. The government began by setting up a committee to examine cases of sexual harassment and assault (the “Committee”). Its mandate was to analyze how such cases are handled in workplaces across the province.2 The Committee made over 82 recommendations in its report titled Mettre fin au harcèlement sexuel dans le cadre du travail : Se donner les moyens d’agir [putting an end to sexual harassment in the workplace by developing the means to act], which was prepared in collaboration with law enforcement agencies and further to consultations with various stakeholders, including community groups, unions and employers , as well as groups of women workers. The government included a number of recommendations from the report into Bill 42.3 This Bill, which is aimed at preventing and fighting psychological harassment and sexual violence in the workplace, was assented to on March 27, 2024. It introduces major amendments to various labour laws, which are likely to change existing practices within organizations. The following is an overview of these amendments and their potential impact. A. Occupational health and safety The Act respecting occupational health and safety was first amended to introduce a definition of what constitutes“sexual violence,” whichcame into force on March 27, 2024, and reads as follows: Any form of violence targeting sexuality or any other misconduct, including unwanted gestures, practices, comments, behaviours or attitudes with sexual connotations, whether they occur once or repeatedly, including violence relating to sexual and gender diversity.4 This broad definition could very likely affect existing employer policies and give rise to a host of problems needing to be resolved by the courts to ensure proper application. Action programs and prevention programs [effective October 6, 2025]: When developing an action program (for businesses with 20 workers or less) or a prevention program (for businesses with 20 workers or more), employers will be required to identify and anticipate psychosocial risks and risks related to sexual violence that may affect workers in their establishments.5 B. Industrial accidents and occupational diseases New legal presumptions of employment injury [effective September 27, 2024]: The Bill introduces two new legal presumptions of employment injury to reduce the burden of proof for victims of sexual violence in the following situations: Where injuries and diseases are the result of sexual violence suffered by a worker and perpetrated by the worker’s employer, one of the employer’s executives in the case of a legal person or a worker whose services are used by such employer; and Where a disease occurs within three months after the worker has been the victim of sexual violence. The burden will then be on the employer contesting an injury of this nature to reverse the application of these presumptions. Handling employment injury claims will be even more difficult, as Bill 42 provides that employers will not have access to workers’ medical records prior to hearings before the Administrative Labour Tribunal. Employers prohibited from accessing medical records [effective September 27, 2024]: Bill 42 sets out stricter obligations for health professionals designated by employers. Only the health professional designated by an employer will have access to the medical record in the possession of the Commission des normes, de l’équité, de la santé et de la sécurité du travail concerning the worker’s employment injury.6 It will not be possible for the employer to obtain all information concerning a worker’s medical condition, because the health professional will be required to limit disclosure to only the information needed to provide the employer with a summary of the file and an opinion on how to handle the employment injury claim.7 The prohibition on access to medical records also carries important fines ranging from $1,000 to $5,000 for a natural person and from $2,000 to $10,0008 for a legal person. However, it does not preclude employers from obtaining medical records concerning the employment injury by way of an authorization or subpoena. Extension of time limit for filing a claim [effective September 27, 2024]: The new time limit for filing a claim for an injury or disease resulting from sexual violence is two years.9 In all other cases, the time limit for filing a claim is six months from the occurrence of the injury.10 Cost of benefits imputed to all employers [effective March 27, 2024]: As an exception to the principle that employers must cover the costs associated with employment injuries, where an employment injury is the result of sexual violence suffered by a worker, the Bill provides that the cost of benefits will automatically be imputed to the employers of all the units.11 However, we must bear in mind that the imputation of costs to all units will have repercussions as it will lead to an increase in the cost of compensation regime for all employers. C. Labour standards Bill 42 also introduces a number of amendments to the Act respecting labour standards, including the following. Adjustments to harassment prevention and complaint processing policies [effective September 27, 2024]: Such policies must now include: The methods and techniques used to identify, control and eliminate the risks of psychological harassment, including a section on behaviour that manifests itself in the form of verbal comments, actions or gestures of a sexual nature. The specific information and training programs on psychological harassment prevention that are offered to workers and the persons designated by the employer to handle complaints or reports. The recommendations on behaviour to adopt when participating in work-related social activities. The applicable procedures for making complaints or reports to an employer or providing an employer with information or documents; details about the person designated to handle complaints or reports; and information regarding the employer’s obligation to follow up. The measures to protect the persons concerned by a psychological harassment situation and those who cooperated in processing a complaint or report regarding such a situation. The process for managing psychological harassment situations, including the process applicable to inquiries conducted by employers. The measures to keep complaints, reports, information or documents received confidential and, for the documents made or obtained in the course of managing a psychological harassment situation, the measures necessary to retain them for at least two years.12 The policy must form an integral part of the prevention program or action program under the Act respecting occupational health and safety [as of the effective date to be set by the government, which will be no later than October 6, 2025]. Harassment by third-parties [effective September 27, 2024]: Employers are expressly obliged to prevent psychological harassment “from any person.” This includes any third parties they do business with, such as customers, subcontractors and suppliers.13 The passage of time does not clean the slate [effective March 27, 2024]: An amnesty clause contained in a collective agreement will have no effect on disciplinary measures resulting from behaviours relating to physical or psychological violence within the meaning of the law.14 This major amendment is aligned with developments in case law on applying amnesty clauses in psychological harassment situations. Confidentiality of the psychological harassment complaint resolution process [effective September 27, 2024]: Where the parties to a settlement of  a psychological harassment complaint do not wish to undertake to keep the agreement confidential, they must expressly agree in writing to waive the confidentiality obligation in the agreement.15 Punitive damages even in cases involving employment injury [effective March 27, 2024]: Where a worker’s psychological harassment complaint is upheld and they have suffered an employment injury resulting from the psychological harassment, they may also be entitled to punitive damages.16 The Administrative Labour Tribunal was previously prohibited from ordering an employer to pay punitive damages to a worker having suffered an employment injury resulting from psychological harassment.17 Expanded prohibition against reprisals [effective March 27, 2024]: In addition to the cases already provided for in the ALS, an employer may not take reprisals against a worker on the ground that the worker has made a report involving psychological harassment or cooperated in the processing of such a report or a complaint.18 Pratical considerations Given the many amendments introduced by Bill 42, all employers should keep abreast of new developments and best practices in preventing and handling harassment and violence in the workplace. In the short term, we recommend that employers: Hire experts to review and update their prevention of harassment and violence in the workplace policies before September 27, 2024. Depending on each situation, retain the services of a health professional who will play a proactive role and liaise with the employer in the handling of an employment injury claim. Explicitly define the terms of the mandate given to such expert in order to pinpoint what information is required to handle the employment injury claim. Schedule training sessions for all staff, including managers and executives. These training sessions should cover not only the aforementioned amendments, but also the procedure for reporting a sexual harassment or violence situation, filing and handling a complaint and making sure the process remains confidential. Inform members of their organization of the new definition and the updated company policy and establish response guidelines for managers who will have to deal with the various situations that can arise. Designate a person who will be in charge of enforcing and applying the harassment prevention and complaint processing policies. Carefully and meticulously document all aspects of inquiries conducted further to sexual violence or sexual harassment situations. Enlist the help of specialists in the field to help them identify and analyze the psychosocial risks and risks related to sexual violence that may affect workers in their establishment. Lastly, as regards handling employment injury claims, despite the fact that employers will no longer have to cover associated costs all on their own, employers may still need to handle claims or contest them in some situations, and they will have the burden of reversing the application of the presumptions benefiting workers. Limited access to medical records means more grey areas and more complex claims management. Given these significant changes, we believe it will be all the more important for employers to turn to qualified experts. When they do so, they should carefully set out the mandate that they wish to entrust to the expert in question to make sure that the opinion they obtain is detailed enough to adequately manage the employment injury claim. The terms of the mandate will need be drafted such that the expert understands whether the information requested is relevant for the employer to properly handle the claim. Our team is available to help you assess the impact that these many changes may have on your business. Statistics Canada, “Gender Results Framework: A new data table on workplace harassment,” released on February 12, 2024, online: The Daily — Gender Results Framework: New and updated data tables (statcan.gc.ca). This initiative was prompted by recommendation 138 of the report titled Rebâtir la confiance : Rapport du comité d’experts sur l'accompagnement des victimes d’agressions sexuelles et de violence conjugale [rebuilding trust: report from the committee of experts on support for victims of sexual assault and domestic violence], released in 2020. An Act to prevent and fight psychological harassment and sexual violence in the workplace, Bill42 (assented to on March 21, 2024), 1st Sess., 43rd Legis. (Qc) (hereinafter “B. 42”). The Bill’s provisions will gradually align with other legislative changes introduced by other recent bills, such as An Act to modernize the occupational health and safety system[3] and An Act respecting the regulation of work by children. Section 33, B. 42; section 1, Act respecting occupational health and safety (“AOHS”). Sections 35 and 36, B. 42; sections 59 and 61.2, AOHS. Section 5, B. 42; section 38, Act respecting industrial accidents and occupational diseases (“AIAOD”). Section 7, B. 42; section 39, AIAOD. Section 16, B. 42; section 458.1, AIAOD. Section 16, B. 42; section 271 and 272, AIAOD. Section 10, B. 42; section 271, AIAOD. Section 12, B. 42; section 327, AIAOD. Section 18, B. 42; section 81.19 Act respecting labour standards (“ALS”). Section 18, B. 42; section 81.19, ALS. Section 20, B. 42; section 97.1, ALS. Section 25, B. 42; section 123.17, ALS. Section 24, B. 42; section 123.15(4.1), ALS. s. 123.15(4) and 123.16, ALS. Section 21, B. 42; section 122(2.1),  ALS.

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  2. The Success of Employer-Organized Christmas Parties: It Is Everyone's Business?

    Workplace Christmas parties are just around the corner. While such celebrations are a great opportunity to strengthen team spirit and acknowledge everyone’s hard work, it is important to remember that it is not only up to employers to make sure they run smoothly—their entire workforces, managers and employees alike, are also responsible. Just think of potential situations of harassment where alcohol and fun times are combined. Who is responsible for what when it comes to Christmas parties? Employer’s obligations Legal framework Generally speaking, many existing employer (and employee) obligations provided for in legislation, regulations or company policies, can be transposed to employer-organized Christmas parties. This is particularly true where harassment is involved. In recent years, the scope of legislation offering protection against harassment and violence in the workplace has broadened. In addition to the obligation to take reasonable steps to prevent psychological harassment1, employers, since 2021, must take measures to protect an employee who has been “exposed to physical or psychological violence, including spousal, family or sexual violence, in the workplace.”2 Even more recently, on November 23, 2023, the Minister of Labour introduced Bill 42, An Act to prevent and fight psychological harassment and sexual violence in the workplace (the “Bill”). Although the Bill is only at the introduction stage and may see a number of amendments, the Minister explains that its aim is to make workplaces healthier, more respectful and safer, and to eliminate unacceptable behaviour.3 Further information on Bill 42 will be provided in a separate publication. Employer’s management rights When an employer witnesses or otherwise becomes aware of inappropriate behaviour at a Christmas party it has organized, it is well within its rights to investigate and take appropriate action, including disciplinary action up to and including dismissal.4 For example, an employer could impose a three-day disciplinary suspension on an employee having committed a gesture of a sexual nature during a Christmas party.5 Dismissal was also deemed to be an appropriate measure for an employee who committed acts of violence against his colleague and former spouse at a Christmas party.6 An employer’s investigation can sometimes even cover events having taken place after a Christmas party, outside the workplace. For example, in a decision from 2022, an arbitrator reiterated that the employer in question was entitled to conduct an investigation into allegations of sexual assault and harassment that were said to have taken place in a hotel room after a Christmas party, because the connection between the personal activities and the employer was sufficient.7 Despite the private nature of the events, they had a negative impact on the work climate and, therefore, an employer investigation in which employees were required to cooperate was warranted.8 Similarly, another arbitrator upheld the dismissal of an employee who had assaulted his supervisor, even though the events had occurred during an after-party.9 Measures to avoid abusive and excessive behaviours Employers can implement a number of measures before their parties to avoid abusive and excessive behaviours, including: Reminding employees of applicable policies, including codes of conduct and harassment prevention policies Authorizing only a limited number of alcoholic drinks per person Closing the bar or ceasing alcohol service a few hours before the party’s end Making sure there is enough food, water and non-alcoholic beverages throughout the evening Providing individual hotel rooms Providing a safe-ride-home service Obligations of employees During employer-organized Christmas parties, employees who attend as part of their employment do so under the same status they hold with their employer.10 They must therefore comply with their various obligations, including having good manners and being civilized, not endangering their or their colleagues’ health and safety, using appropriate language and not engaging in harassment and, more generally, adhering to their employers’ policies. In a sense, the party becomes an extension of the workplace. In the specific case of managerial staff, employers are entitled to have higher expectations of exemplary behaviour. Moreover, when an employer investigates events that are said to have taken place during or after such a party, employees are required to cooperate in good faith. What about witnesses? As mentioned above, making sure that a Christmas party runs smoothly is everyone’s business. However, is it realistic to rely on employees to report problematic behaviour they may witness during such events? Is the duty of loyalty sufficient to create a general obligation to report all wrongful behaviour? The answer is not clear. As for managerial staff who are employers’ eyes and ears, they are even further bound by their duty of loyalty given their line responsibilities.11 Employers can therefore expect them to report problematic behaviour that takes place at a Christmas party. In the case of regular employees (non-managerial staff), the imposition of a general obligation to report all wrongful behaviour was deemed unreasonable,12 as such an obligation “[translation] jeopardizes the serenity of the work climate.”13 However, there are cases where the obligation to report is legitimate. It applies where the obligation is intended to protect the health and safety of colleagues and the public. The very nature of the duties performed by an involved employee will be decisive in determining the validity of the obligation to report.14 In all cases, that employee must dissociate themselves from the wrongful behaviour and avoid any participation. Lastly, despite the absence of a general obligation to report harassment, employers may validly encourage employees to report harassment, without making it mandatory.15 Conclusion Employer-organized Christmas parties are certainly something to look forward to. With the situation in recent years and the explosion of telecommuting and hybrid working conditions, such events are even more important to bring people together. However, they have to remain fun for everyone. With simple yet reliable measures, such as making everyone aware of their own responsibilities and mutual respect, such celebration can be a real success. Happy festivities to all! The Act respecting labour standards, CQLR, c. N-1.1, section 81.19. The Act respecting occupational health and safety, CQLR, c. S-2.1, section 51 (16). Office of the Minister of Labour and Minister responsible for the Mauricie and Nord-du-Québec regions, “Le ministre Jean Boulet présente le projet de loi 42, Loi visant à prévenir et à combattre le harcèlement psychologique et la violence à caractère sexuel en milieu de travail Gouvernement du Québec” (quebec.ca), November 23, 2023 (in French only). For more information, read the following bulletin: Lavery, “The return of Christmas parties: What employers need to know,” December 9, 2022, URL: The return of Christmas parties: What employers need to know (lavery.ca). Teamsters Québec, section locale 1999 and Univar Canada ltée (Jean-Martin Gobeil), 2020 QCTA 344. Travailleurs et travailleuses unis de l’alimentation et du commerce, section locale 500 (TUAC-FTQ ) and Royal Vézina inc. (St-Hubert), 2017 QCTA 304. Syndicat des salariés(es) de l’agroalimentaire de Ste-Claire (CSD) and Kerry Canada inc. 2022 QCTA 224. See also: CSN-Syndicat du personnel de bureau du CISSS de la Gaspésie and Centre intégré de santé et de services sociaux de la Gaspésie, 2023 QCTA 131. Syndicat des inspecteurs du RTM-CSN and EXO (Charles-David Lapointe), 2020 QCTA 24. Association internationale des machinistes et des travailleuses et travailleurs de l'aérospatiale, district 140, section locale 2309 and Servisair (Avo Minassian), D.T.E. 2009T-448 (T.A.). Shell Canada ltée and Travailleurs unis du pétrole du Canada, section locale 121 du SCEP, D.T.E. 2010T-68 (T.A.); Journal de Montréal and Syndicat des travailleurs de l’information du Journal de Montréal (CSN), 2015 QCTA 52. Id.; See also: Viterra inc. and Unifor, Local 2022, 2020 QCTA 565. Shell Canada ltée and Travailleurs unis du pétrole du Canada, section locale 121 du SCEP, D.T.E., supra, note 11, para. 88. Id. Journal de Montréal and Syndicat des travailleurs de l'information du Journal de Montréal (CSN), supra, note 11.

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  3. An Act respecting the regulation of work by children Now in Force: Employers of Young Workers Must Act Quickly

    On June 1, 2023, Bill 19 entitled An Act respecting the regulation of work by children (the “Act”) which establishes, in particular, a minimum working age of 14 and a maximum number of hours of work for children subject to compulsory school attendance, was assented to. Most of the Act’s provisions came into force on June 1, 2023. This Act was presented in the wake of a massive and noticeable entry of young workers into the job market in a context where the shortage of unskilled workers was exacerbated by the COVID-19 pandemic. Work performed by these children has received significant media coverage in recent months, in particular because of the concerns raised regarding their health and safety and the risk of school dropouts and disengagement. Below is a brief overview of the existing rules governing work by children and the amendments introduced by the Act. A.        RULES GOVERNING WORK BY CHILDREN BEFORE THE ACT CAME INTO FORCE Before the Act was passed, there was no minimum working age or maximum number of hours of work per week for children in Quebec. However, the Act respecting labour standards (the “ALS”)1 already provided certain rules applicable to work performed by children. The following rules remain unchanged by the Act: Prohibition of work performed by a child that is disproportionate to the child’s capacity, or that is likely to be detrimental to the child’s education, health or physical or moral development.2 Prohibition of work performed during school hours by a child subject to compulsory school attendance.3 In Quebec, the obligation to attend school extends to the last day of school in the school year in which the child reaches 16 years of age or in which the child graduates if they are under 16 years of age.4 The employer must also ensure that the child can attend school during school hours.5 Prohibition of work by a child between 11 p.m. and 6 a.m. if the child is subject to compulsory school attendance, except in the case of newspaper deliveries or other cases provided for in the Regulation, in particular for certain categories of artists.6 Obligation to ensure that the child can be at the child’s residence between 11 p.m. and 6 a.m., except in the case of a child no longer subject to compulsory school attendance and in the cases provided for in the Regulation.7 In addition, certain regulations adopted under the Act respecting occupational health and safety stipulate a minimum age for performing certain tasks (e.g., diving, excavation, demolition, etc.). B.        AMENDMENTS INTRODUCED BY THE ACT 1)   Amendments to the Act respecting labour standards and the Regulation respecting labour standards Minimum age to perform work: The ALS was amended to set the minimum working age at 14,8 except as provided in the Regulation. The exceptions are as follows: a)     Creator or performer in a field of artistic endeavour referred to in the first paragraph of section 1 of the Act respecting the professional status of artists in the visual arts, film, the recording arts, literature, arts and crafts and the performing arts; b)     Deliverer of newspapers or other publications; c)     Babysitter; d)     Child who provides homework assistance or tutoring; e)     Child working in a family enterprise with fewer than 10 employees if the child is a child of the employer or, where the latter is a legal person or partnership, a child of a director of that legal person or of a partner of that partnership, or if the child is a child of the spouse of one of those persons; f)       Child working in a non-profit organization having social or community purposes, such as a vacation camp or recreational organization; g)     Child working in a non-profit sports organization to assist another person or provide support, such as an assistant instructor, assistant coach or scorekeeper; h)     Child working in an agricultural enterprise with fewer than 10 employees, where the child performs light manual labour to harvest fruits or vegetables, take care of animals or prepare or maintain soil. In this particular case, the child must be 12 years of age or over. Note that for the application of each of the above exceptions, the employer must obtain the consent of the holder of parental authority using the form established by the CNESST9 no later than July 1, 2023. In addition, with respect to the exceptions in paragraphs (e) to (h) above, such children must work under the supervision of a person 18 years of age or over at all times. Maximum number of hours of work: 17 hours per week,10 including a maximum of 10 hours Monday through Friday for children subject to compulsory school attendance, except during periods of more than seven consecutive days without educational services offered to the child. This new labour standard will come into force on September 1, 2023. Notice of termination of employment: No later than July 1, 2023, an employer who employs a child under 14 years of age performing work that is now prohibited must send the child a notice of termination of employment. The length of the notice varies depending on the child’s years of service: -       Three months to less than one year of uninterrupted service: one week’s notice -       One to two years of uninterrupted service: two weeks’ notice -       Two years or more of uninterrupted service: three weeks’ notice The employer may have the child perform work during the period of notice or pay the child a compensatory indemnity equal to the child’s regular wage, excluding overtime, for a period equal to the period or remaining period of notice. The indemnity to be paid to a child who is remunerated in whole or in part by commission is established based on the average of the child’s weekly wage, calculated from the complete periods of pay in the three months preceding the termination of employment. The child may also require the employer to issue a work certificate setting forth the nature and the duration of the child’s employment.11 Should the employer fail to pay the sums to which the child is entitled, the provisions relating to civil recourses set out in the ALS12 will apply. Penalties: An employer who fails to abide by the provisions governing the work of children commits an offence and is liable to a fine under the ALS. Fines are doubled in the event of a repeat offence. Effective date: The Act’s amendments to the ALS and the Regulation came into force on June 1, 2023, with the exception of the maximum number of hours of work for children subject to compulsory school attendance (section 3), which will come into force on September 1, 2023.   2)   Amendments to the Act respecting occupational health and safety The Act also amends provisions of the Act respecting occupational health and safety that are already being amended by the Act to modernize the occupational health and safety regime (“Bill 27”), not all of which are currently in force. The amendments introduced by the Act have or will come into force on the same dates as the provisions of Bill 27. The amendments introduced by the Act regarding occupational health and safety include the following: Prevention program: The program must include the identification and analysis of risks that may affect the health and safety of workers in the establishment, but more specifically those affecting workers who are 16 years of age or under. The same applies to establishments subject to the obligation to develop an action plan. Health and Safety Committee: The committee’s functions include participating in the identification and analysis of risks that may affect the health and safety of workers in the establishment, including those that may particularly affect workers who are 16 years of age or under. Health and safety representative and health and safety liaison officer: They identify situations that may be hazardous to workers, including those specific to workers who are 16 years of age and under, and make recommendations to the Health and Safety Committee, the employer and the union, if any, regarding tasks that should not be performed by workers 16 years of age or under. In conclusion, the Act introduces major changes regarding the supervision of work of children, in particular by setting the minimum working age, with certain exceptions, at 14 years of age and by limiting the working week of children subject to the obligation to attend school. Most of these provisions, which came into force on June 1, 2023, require swift action on the part of the employers concerned, and are likely to have a significant impact on work schedules and the available workforce in a number of businesses as the summer approaches. 1 CQLR, c. N-1.1 (the “ALS”). 2 Section 84.2 of the ALS. 3 Section 84.4 of the ALS. 4 Section 14 of the Education Act, CQLR, c. I-13.3. 5 Section 84.5 of the ALS. 6 Section 84.6 of the ALS and section 35.1 of the Regulation respecting labour standards, CQLR, c. N-1.1, r. 3 (the “Regulation”). 7 Section 84.7 of the ALS and section 35.2 of the Regulation. 8 Section 84.3 of the ALS.   9 The CNESST form entitled “Consentement pour le travail d’un enfant de moins de 14 ans” [in French only] can be found here: https://www.cnesst.gouv.qc.ca/fr/organisation/documentation/formulaires-publications/consentement-travail-enfant-moins-14-ans 10 Section 84.4 of the ALS. 11 Section 84 of the ALS. 12 Sections 98 and following of the ALS.

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  4. The return of Christmas parties: what employers need to know

    After two years of navigating COVID-19, the end of 2022 will be an opportunity for employers to organise larger activities for their employees, such as Christmas parties. The purpose of this newsletter is to make employers aware of their obligations during the holiday season festivities. Below, we will address the following three issues: industrial accidents, disciplinary measures and psychological harassment. Although Christmas parties are generally held outside of the workplace and outside normal working hours, an incident that occurs on such an occasion may qualify as an “industrial accident” within the meaning of the Act respecting industrial accidents and occupational diseases.1 Courts will consider several factors in weighing whether or not such an incident will constitute a work-related accident, including the purpose of the party, the time and place where it was held, whether or not it is organized and financed by the employer, and the presence or absence of a relationship of subordination at the time of the incident. None of these factors are decisive: they serve as a guideline for the tribunal. As many decisions have both granted2 or rejected3 claims in such circumstances. In one case where a Christmas party had been organized by the employer and was intended to encourage a sense of cohesion and belonging amongst the employees, an injury to the coccyx suffered by an employee while dancing with a co-worker was qualified as an industrial accident.4 However, in another case where an employee was injured on an escalator while escorting a drunken co-worker after a Christmas party, the tribunal ruled that the female employee had not suffered an industrial accident due to the absence of authority exercised by the employer at the time of the fall and also because the event was only intended to permit colleagues to fraternize and spend time together and not to improve the work environment.5 In the context of its management rights, an employer may, in certain circumstances, discipline an employee for behaviour which occurred during a Christmas party.6 The degree of the employer’s involvement in the organization of the party and the private nature of the party are important factors in determining whether the employer is justified in imposing disciplinary measures in such a context. For example, an arbitrator upheld the dismissal of an employee who repeatedly hit a colleague and former spouse during the employer's Christmas party held on its premises.7 The fact that the violent acts were committed during a party rather than in the direct context of work was not considered a mitigating factor. This disciplinary power is part of the employer's obligation to ensure a violence-free workplace. This obligation has gained in importance since the recent addition to the Act respecting occupational health and safety8 of the employer's obligation to “take the measures to ensure the protection of a worker exposed to physical or psychological violence, including spousal, family or sexual violence, in the workplace”.9 In another case, the arbitrator concluded that the employer could not discipline an employee for acts committed at a Christmas party organized and entirely financed by the employees and which took place outside the workplace.10 On another note, a single act of serious conduct at a Christmas party may constitute psychological harassment. A complaint for psychological harassment was upheld against an employer in a situation where the owner had touched the breast of an employee by slipping an ice cube into her sweater.11 This contact, a single gesture, was qualified by the arbitrator as serious conduct amounting to psychological harassment. The arbitrator also concluded that excessive alcohol consumption had no mitigating effect on the seriousness of the act committed. Sexual comments, forced touching and kissing by an employee during the Christmas party were also deemed to constitute psychological and sexual harassment by the courts justifying, in certain circumstances, dismissal.12 Conclusion In light of the foregoing, an employer must exercise caution and adopt measures to reduce the risks associated with the organization of Christmas parties, given that they may be held responsible for accidents or various acts or behaviour that occur during such gatherings. [1] CQLR, c. A-3.001, s. 2. [2] See in particular Fafard et Commission scolaire des Trois-Lacs, 2014 QCCLP 6156; Battram et Québec (Ministère de la Justice), 2007 QCCLP 4450. [3] See in particular Environnement Canada et Lévesque, 2001 CanLII 46818 (QCCLP), par. 35-39; Desjardins et EMD Construction inc., 2007 QCCLP 496. [4] Boivin et Centre communautaire juridique de l'Estrie, 2011 QCCLP 2645 [. [5] Roy-Bélanger et Ressources Globales Aéro inc., 2021 QCTAT 1739 [Quebec’s Tribunal administratif du travail]. [6] Teamsters Québec, section locale 1999 et Univar Canada ltée (Jean-Martin Gobeil), 2020 QCTA 344 (L. Viau). [7] Travailleurs et travailleuses unis de l'alimentation et du commerce, section locale 500 (TUAC-FTQ) et Royal Vézina inc. (St-Hubert) (Hicham Alaoui), 2017 QCTA 304 (F. Lamy). [8] CQLR, c. S-2.1. [9] Act respecting occupational health and safety, CQLR, s. 2.1, a. 51, par. 1 (16). This obligation was added pursuant to the Act to modernize the occupational health and safety regime (2021, c. 27, a. 139), [10] Syndicat de la fonction publique et parapublique du Québec et Société de l'assurance automobile du Québec (Joffrey Lemieux), 2021 QCTA 439 (C. Roy). [11] S.H. et Compagnie A, 2007 QCCRT 0348, D.T.E. 2007T-722 (T.A.) (F. Giroux). [12] Pelletier et Sécuritas Canada ltée, 2004 QCCRT 0554 (M. Marchand).  

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  1. Six new members join Lavery’s ranks

    Chanel CalabroChanel is a member of the Business Law group. She works primarily in corporate finance, mergers and acquisitions, and corporate law."Lavery is at the centre of developing companies in Quebec. It is for me an excellent opportunity to work with inspiring professionals in a work environment that encourages development and initiative. I am very enthusiastic about working in a practice that offers me the opportunity to use my past experiences to provide added value to our clients." Simon Gagné-CarrierSimon is joining our Labour and Employment Law group. He also practices in Municipal Law. He joined the Lavery team as a student in 2022. He completed his bachelor's degree in civil law and a master's degree in business administration at the Université de Sherbrooke. "The team of professionals who make up the firm and who have guided me are committed to strong and important values such as mentoring, professional development and collaboration between peers. It is an ideal environment for a young lawyer." Ghiles HelliGhiles is joining our Business Law Group. He is a member of our mergers and acquisitions team. He assists our partners in advising clients on the legal impacts of the implementation of new technologies and on cybersecurity. "I chose to do my internship at Lavery because of their expertise in technology law and in mergers and acquisitions law, my two legal passions. It is also a great opportunity for me to pursue my professional development with mentoring that is second to none." Kabrina PéronKabrina is joining our Labor and Employment Law group. She joined the Lavery team as a student in the winter of 2021. "Throughout my experience at Lavery, I have had the opportunity to collaborate with passionate and highly experienced professionals on various cases, who were especially committed to ensuring my professional development. It is ideal guidance at the beginning of my career." Daphné Pomerleau-NormandinDaphné is a member of the Litigation and Conflict Resolution group and focuses her practice on commercial and civil litigation. "Joining Lavery involves being part of an environment that is an ideal combination of autonomy and team spirit." Jean-Vincent Prévost-BérubéJean-Vincent is joining our Business Law Group and practises mainly in transactional and commercial law. He has joined the Lavery team for his articling term in the winter of 2022. "Team collaboration and unity are definitely the firm’s strengths. For me, Lavery was the choice of a firm, but above all of a team. I appreciate being able to collaborate on challenging cases as well as the trust and confidence that we are quickly given in the management of these cases."  

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