Trademarks and Domain Names


Trademarks, such as names, slogans and logos, represent the identity and reputation of a company, product, or service.

We offer a variety of services related to the protection of trademarks and domain names in Canada and abroad, including:

  • availability and registrability searches,
  • drafting, filing and prosecuting applications,
  • status verifications of trademarks, trade names and domain names,
  • opposition proceedings,
  • cancellation proceedings,
  • infringement and validity opinions,
  • monitoring of trademarks and domain names, and
  • domain name arbitration procedures.

We also offer intellectual property advice and our services in litigation and arbitration and contracts, titles, and due diligence reviews related to patents.


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  1. Publication of the Regulation clarifying the obligations of Bill 96: Impacts on trademarks for products, advertising, and public signs and posters

    The Regulation1 specifying the new obligations of Bill 962 was published in the Gazette officielle du Québec on June 26, 2024. It modifies the current Regulation respecting the language of commerce and business.3 These changes were expected considering the questions raised by the passage of Bill 96 in June 2022, which required clarification. In this bulletin, we will discuss issues related to the use of trademarks in connection with products, commercial publications, public signs and posters, and commercial advertising. Exception for recognized trademarks Good news! The Regulation reintroduces the exception for “recognized” trademarks,4 within the meaning of the Trademarks Act. Common law trademarks and trademarks registered with the Canadian Intellectual Property Office (“CIPO”) may be used without a French version, provided that no French version of the trademark appears in the Register. By regulation, the government has extended the scope of the exception to trademarks. Under Bill 96 it was to apply only to CIPO-registered trademarks. It has been extended to also cover common law trademarks. With this amendment, the government has made the rules around trademarks more consistent, whether they are used in connection with products, commercial publications or public signs and posters. It is still recommended to register your trademarks to protect your rights, but registration is no longer a condition for compliance with applicable regulations. Obligation to translate generic and descriptive terms included in trademarks The Charter of the French language5 (the “Charter”) stipulates that any inscription on a product, its container or its wrapping must be in French, and that no inscription in another language may be given greater prominence than that in French or be available on more favourable terms. The Regulation confirms that the term “product” includes its container, packaging and any accompanying documents or objects.6 The Regulation also clarifies the scope of the obligation to translate descriptions and generic terms included in trademarks: “Description” and “generic term”: A description refers to one or more words describing the characteristics of a product, while a generic term describes the nature of a product, excluding the name of the enterprise and the name of the product as sold.7 Designations of origin and distinctive names of a cultural nature are not considered a description or a generic term. In all likelihood, the reference to the “name of the product as sold” refers to the product’s main trademark. The obligation to translate generic terms or descriptions contained in the trademark would not apply to the main trademarks under which the product is sold. Thus, according to the example provided by the Quebec government, there would be no need to translate into French the descriptions or generic terms included in the main trademark BestSoap, as illustrated below. The question also arises regarding secondary trademarks, which are often used to designate a specific product within a range of products. Can we say that such a secondary trademark qualifies as a "name of the product as sold," in addition to the main trademark? Unfortunately, the guide published by the Office québécois de la langue française ("OQLF") does not provide any clarity on this matter, while the text of the Regulation appears broad enough to allow for such an argument depending on the circumstances. In our opinion, such an argument could be made in some cases, but we will need to await the position of the OQLF (or a court decision) for more certainty on this issue. The Regulation specifies that the French translation of the generic terms or descriptions included in trademarks must appear in French on the product or on a medium permanently attached to the product.8 However, it does not provide a definition of “a medium permanently attached to the product.” It will be interesting to see how practice develops in this area, and how the OQLF interprets this notion. Keep in mind the Charter’s principle that no inscription in another language should be available on more favourable terms. Companies opting for the medium option will need to ensure not only the permanence of the medium, but also its availability, under conditions that are at least as favourable. It should also be noted that the size of the French translation of generic terms and descriptions included in a trademark is not specifically addressed in the Regulation. However, the OQLF website specifies that no generic term or description in another language should take precedence over that appearing in French; the OQLF thus seems to apply the general rule contained in the Charter.9 This means that the French text must be at least equivalent in size and appearance to that in another language, so that the latter is not predominant. Transitional period: The Regulation allows a two-year grace period to give businesses time to comply with the above requirements. Until June 1, 2027, any product that does not comply with these new requirements may continue to be distributed, retailed, leased, offered for sale or lease, or otherwise offered on the market, whether in return for payment or free of charge, provided (i) it was manufactured before June 1, 2025, and (ii) no corresponding French version of the recognized trademark has been registered in the Canadian trademark register by June 26, 2024.10 Although it will still be necessary to make every effort to comply with obligations, this measure ensures that existing non-compliant products can be liquidated. Commercial publications The Regulation makes no changes to the rules governing commercial publications, such as catalogues, brochures, folders, commercial directories and other similar publications. The exception applicable to “recognized” trademarks, which had not been amended in Bill 96 or in the draft regulations, remains unchanged. Common law trademarks and trademarks registered with CIPO may be used without a French version, provided that no French version has been registered. Contrary to what had been envisaged in the draft regulations, websites and social media are not expressly named as commercial publications whose French version must be available on terms that are at least as favourable as any version in another language. To date, the interpretation adopted and applied by the OQLF and the courts is that websites and social media are considered commercial publications and must therefore follow the same rules. Nevertheless, we will remain watchful to see if the lack of explicit reference in the Regulation to websites and social media is of any significance, and if the OQLF will consider changes to its approach to these two types of communication. Advertising and public signs and posters It is well known that the Charter requires public signs and posters and commercial advertising in Quebec to be in French. They may be both in French and in another language provided that French is markedly predominant.11 The “recognized” trademark exception also applies to public signs and posters and commercial advertising. Thus, common law trademarks and CIPO-registered trademarks may be used without a French version, if there is no corresponding French version in the Canadian trademark register.12 For public signs and posters visible from outside premises, the rule of “sufficient presence” of French gives way to that of the “clear predominance” of French, when the trademark or business name is in a language other than French, in whole or in part.13 Public signage visible from outside premises includes not only the exterior of a building, but also premises inside a shopping centre.14 In such cases, a trademark or company name in a language other than French must be accompanied by a generic term, a description of the goods or services concerned, or a slogan, in French.15 This trademark or company name visible on a storefront or inside a shopping centre will be considered in the overall visual impact of the premises. For the same visual field, text written in French has much greater impact when (i) the French text occupies a space at least twice as large as that devoted to text in another language, and (ii) its legibility and permanent visibility are at least equivalent to that of text in another language.16 Finally, as concerns digital signage with alternating French and non-French text, the French text is considered to have a much greater visual impact when it is visible for at least twice as long as the non-French text.17 Note that there is no grace period for public signs and posters. Companies therefore have until June 1, 2025, to comply with the new rules. The examples below, from the Quebec government, illustrate the application of these rules: Here is a summary of the main changes to the Charter and the Regulation that will come into effect on June 1, 2025: Products (labels, containers, packaging, or any accompanying document or object) A “recognized” trademark (registered or used) may be used in a language other than French, unless a corresponding French version is on the Canadian trademark register. Any description or generic term included in a trademark must appear in French, excluding the name of the company or the name of the product as sold (and other specific exceptions); on the OQLF website, it is stated that no generic term or description in another language may take precedence over that appearing in French. The French translation of these generic terms or descriptions must appear in French on the product or on a medium permanently attached to the product. A grace period until June 1, 2027, is granted for any product that does not comply with these new requirements; such a product may continue to be distributed, retailed, leased, offered for sale or lease, or otherwise offered on the market, whether in return for payment or free of charge, provided (i) it was manufactured before June 1, 2025, and (ii) no corresponding French version of the recognized trademark has been registered in the Canadian trademark register by June 26, 2024. Commercial publications (catalogues, brochures, folders, commercial directories) No change: A “recognized” trademark within the meaning of the Trademarks Act (registered or used) may be used in a language other than French, unless a French version has been registered. It is expected that the rules governing commercial publications will apply to websites and social media, in line with the current interpretation of the OQLF and the courts. Public signs and posters A “recognized” trademark within the meaning of the Trademarks Act(registered or used) may be used in a language other than French, unless a corresponding French version is on the Canadian trademark register. In public signs and posters visible from outside premises, including inside shopping malls, when a trademark or commercial name is in a language other than French, even in part:  French must be clearly predominant, taking into account the space allotted to the trademark or company name; and the trademark or company name must be accompanied by French terms, in particular a generic term, a description of the products or services, or a slogan. For the same visual space, the space allotted to French text must be at least twice as large as that devoted to text in another language, and its legibility and permanent visibility must be at least equivalent to that of text in another language. To learn more about this topic or for any questions concerning the Charter of the French language and its regulations, please contact our professionals or consult our previous publications! Regulation to amend mainly the Regulation respecting the language of commerce and business, Gazette officielle du Québec, (the "Regulation"). An Act respecting French, the official and common language of Québec, SQ, 2022, c. 14 (“Bill 96”). Regulation respecting the language of commerce and business, CQLR, c. C-11, r. 9. Regulation, supra, note 1, s. 2 (7.1) and s. 4 (25.1). Charter of the French language, CQLR, c. C-11, s. 51 Regulation, supra, note 1, s. 6 (27.1). Regulation, supra, note 1, s. 6 (27.2). Regulation, supra, note 1, s. 2 (7.1). Charter, supra, note 5, s. 51. Regulation, supra, note 1, s. 7. However, the grace period has been extended to December 31, 2025, for products covered by the new labelling standards set out in the Regulations Amending the Food and Drug Regulations (Nutrition Symbols, Other Labelling Provisions, Vitamin D and Hydrogenated Fats or Oils) (SOR/2022-168) or the Regulations Amending the Food and Drug Regulations and the Cannabis Regulations (Supplemented Foods) (SOR/2022-169). Charter, supra, note 5, s. 58. Regulation, supra, note 1, s. 4 (25.1). Charter, supra, note 5, s. 58.1 and Regulation, supra, note 1, s. 4 (s. 25.1). Regulation, supra, note 1, s. 6 (27.5). Regulation, supra, note 1, s. 6 (27.7). Regulation, supra, note 1, s. 6 (27.6). Components written in French will be presumed to meet these legibility and visibility requirements if they are permanent and are designed, lighted and situated so as to make them easy to read, both at the same time, at all times. Regulation, supra, note 1, s. 6 (27.6).

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  2. Official marks in Canada: The prospect of upcoming changes

    Before delving into the topic, let’s begin with a definition. Official marks are statutory instruments specific to Canadian practice. They are not trademarks per se, but are treated similarly, because they are adopted and used by a limited group of organizations including universities, Canadian public authorities and Her Majesty’s Forces.1 In this article, we will be focusing on Canadian public authorities. There are several hundred marks in the Register belonging to public authorities, including the federal and provincial governments, government agencies and municipalities. Unlike traditional trademarks, official marks do not protect specific goods or services, but instead cover all classes of goods and services. They may even be descriptive, as they are not required to be distinctive. Moreover, they are not registered in the usual sense of the word. Instead, a notice of adoption is simply published in the Trademarks Journal. One unique feature of official marks is that they are not subject to a renewal process. They can therefore remain in the Register indefinitely. That being so, official marks may hinder the registration of a trademark filed subsequently, unless the public authority concerned voluntarily withdraws the notice of adoption of its official mark. Lastly, it is important to note that official marks are not subject to examination or opposition proceedings. In other words, the Registrar of Trademarks (the “Registrar”) makes no official verification as to their validity or compliance with the standard registration criteria. Thus, because of the extensive protection afforded to official marks, they appear to be virtually unassailable. But is that really the case? The Registrar considers that they have no discretion to refuse to give public notice of an official mark, unless it has not been registered by a Canadian public authority or such authority has not adopted or used its official mark at the time of filing its application. When the Trademarks Act (the “Act”) was amended in June 2019, trademark professionals were hoping that the criteria providing these marks with extensive protection would be revised. However, Parliament chose not to undertake an in-depth review of the laws governing official marks. That being said, the Office of the Registrar did provide some clarification in October 2020 as to its practice regarding official marks. First, since 2020, the Registrar requires evidence of public authority status. This change was made further to several comments on the questionable status of certain so-called “public authorities.” The decision in Ontario Association of Architects v. Association of Architectural Technologists of Ontario (C.A.), 2002 FCA 218, clearly states that for a body to qualify as a public authority, the government must exercise a significant degree of control over its activities, particularly as relates to its governance and decision-making, and such activities must benefit the public.  Given that the laws governing public authorities have been in force for several decades, it is reasonable to assume that many published official marks are no longer held by public authorities or no longer meet the criteria defining a public authority. What is the proper way to respond to an opposition based on the resemblance between an official mark and a trademark? The options are limited. It is important to remember that subsection 9(1) of the Act states that no person shall adopt in connection with a business, as a trademark or otherwise, any mark consisting of, or so nearly resembling as to be likely to be mistaken for, an official mark. The test is not based on a likelihood of confusion, as is the case when examining the likelihood of confusion between two trademarks. Instead, it is based on resemblance. Trademark professionals may argue that the applied-for mark is not identical or so similar to the official mark as to be confused with it. Another option—mainly in cases where the applied-for trademark is identical or very similar to an official mark—is to seek the consent of the official mark’s owner to use and register the trademark. In some cases, however, contacting a public authority may prove difficult, either because it no longer exists, or because it simply will not respond to requests for consent. Some public authorities ask for financial compensation in exchange for their consent. Can an official mark be contested? For the time being, there is no simple mechanism for contesting an official mark. The process of publishing a public notice of an official mark is not subject to opposition proceedings. Third parties have the option of contesting an official mark by means of an appeal or an application for judicial review to the Federal Court. They may do so in cases where an official mark was not adopted and used before the public notice was issued, or the body in question is not considered a public authority, or the official mark infringes on another mark. However, it should be noted that such proceedings are costly and take time. So what does the future hold? While the laws governing official marks remain essentially intact, some amendments are expected. The Canadian legislative authorities intend to add two new sections to the Act, namely sections 9(3) and 9(4). The purpose of these amendments is to clarify that even where a public notice has been issued concerning an official mark, such notice does not apply if the entity that requested it is not a public authority or no longer exists. In such circumstances, the Registrar may, on their own initiative or at a person’s request, give public notice that section 9 does not apply. Our understanding is that the Registrar will have new powers, including that of requesting—either on their own initiative or at the request of a person who pays the prescribed fee—that a so-called official mark be invalidated should its owner fail to respond to the Registrar’s notice requiring evidence of public authority status. This amendment to the Act should be introduced shortly. On another note, there were some interesting decisions handed down in 2023. KASAP TURKISH STEAKHOUSE & Design: The decision in The Board of Regents of the University of Texas System and EDAM Ltd., 2023 TMOB 161, clearly establishes the limitations of official marks when it comes to assessing the likelihood of confusion between two marks. The Board of Regents of the University of Texas opposed the application for the trademark KASAP TURKISH STEAKHOUSE & Design (hereinafter “Kasap”): in particular, on the grounds that the Kasap mark bore such a resemblance to the official mark of the University of Texas that it could be confused with its official mark as shown below: However, as previously mentioned, when assessing the resemblance between a trademark and an official mark, particular attention is paid to the similarity between the marks. The Trademarks Opposition Board concluded that the applicant’s applied-for mark did not resemble the official mark as to be likely to be mistaken for it, despite the presence of an image of a longhorn cow’s head in both marks. The distinctiveness of the word “KASAP” in the applicant’s mark was deemed sufficient to distinguish the two marks. As such, the opposition was rejected. A mark that includes an official mark along with other elements does not “consist of” that official mark. Via Rail Canada Inc. and Via Transportation, Inc., 2023 TMOB 155  This decision concerns an opposition filed by Via Rail Canada Inc. (the Opponent and owner of an official mark) against a trademark application submitted by Via Transportation, Inc. (the Applicant). The application was for the mark “VIA & Design” as shown below: for use in association with the transportation of passengers and related mobile application software and telecommunication services. The Opponent opposed the application based on an allegation that the mark caused confusion with its trademarks, official marks and trade names containing the word “VIA” and used in association with its national railway services and related goods and services. Ultimately, the Applicant’s application was rejected in part because the Applicant’s mark was not registrable under section 12(1)(e), as it was deemed too similar to the Opponent’s official “VIA” mark, which was likely to cause confusion. The hearing officer summarized the resemblance test as follows in paragraph 106: The resemblance test under section 9(1)(n)(iii) of the Act differs from a standard confusion analysis in that it requires a likelihood that consumers will be mistaken as between the marks themselves rather than a likelihood that consumers will be confused as to the source of the goods or services. In short, the general consensus is that the laws governing official marks in Canada could certainly use a thorough revision, one that would help weed out any marks cluttering up the register of official marks that no longer fit the definition. Examples of university official marks: Université de Montréal (0910712), Universität Heidelberg (0923735), Louisiana State University (0923069). It should be noted that universities are not required to be Canadian to request publication of an official mark. The Armed Forces have adopted several marks on behalf of Her Majesty, including PORTE DAUPHINE (0903172) & Design, SKY HAWKS (0903269) and CORMORANT & Design (0903170). More specifically, we refer to sections 9 and following of the Trademarks Act.

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  3. Canadian Intellectual Property Office (CIPO): Fee Increase

    CIPO has announced an increase in their fees as of January 1, 2024. Their current fees will be increased by at least 25%. This increase will apply not only to trademarks, but also to patents, industrial designs and copyrights. For example, the anticipated official fee to file an application for registration of a trademark is being increased from $347.35 to $458.00 for the first class, and from $105.26 to $139.00 for each additional class. A majority of CIPO’s other fees are subject to a similar adjustment. As such, this increase will have an impact not only upon filing an application for registration, but also during the registration process and upon renewal. We therefore recommend that you review your intellectual property portfolio to determine if new applications should be filed or renewals effected before the end of the year. CIPO indicates that the increase will contribute to supporting its strategy on intellectual property which is aimed at offering services comparable to those offered worldwide. We hope that it will also reduce turnaround times!

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  4. Naming rights agreements: coming soon to an arena near you!

    Although the more nostalgic among us were recently celebrating the announcement of a third film (and sequel) of In a galaxy near you (Dans une galaxie près de chez vous), a sci-fi series on Quebec TV, sports fans might be disappointed if the arena near them ever ends up being renamed. In the first instalment of our series of articles on sports law, we examined various issues surrounding team branding. We would now like to focus on the naming of stadiums, arenas and our favourite sports venues, which often feature corporate names or trademarks. In a press release dated August 15, 2023, the Montreal Canadiens announced that their training centre, previously known as the Bell Sports Complex, would be renamed the CN Sports Complex. The reasons for this change have to do with naming rights agreements. These agreements stem from a “marriage of values” for commercial purposes between two brands that share a number of clearly defined objectives. In this article, we will answer two fundamental questions: how do these agreements work and what are the objectives? Defining a naming rights agreement A naming rights agreement is a contract between a company and an operator or owner of a venue, building, event or facility. Under such agreements, a company obtains the exclusive right to name a venue, building, event or facility by making royalty payments or providing other benefits. This enhances the company’s visibility because its name or brand is now associated with the venue, building, event or facility. In return, the owning or operating entity is paid a royalty that helps to support its activities or boost its profitability. Naming rights agreements are commonly used for naming stadiums, arenas and sporting events. It should be noted that naming rights agreements are different from sponsorship agreements. A sponsorship agreement is another type of arrangement under which a company can obtain visibility associated with an event. For example, the Royal Bank of Canada entered into a sponsorship agreement with the Montreal Canadiens to display its logo on the team’s jerseys. One of the main differences between sponsorship agreements and naming rights agreements is their duration. A sponsorship agreement has a shorter term (usually 3 to 5 years), whereas a naming rights agreement may run from 5 to 20 years, sometimes longer. An ever-growing market Underscoring the importance of naming rights agreements, over 90% of the teams in North America’s five largest professional sports leagues have signed one: In Europe, the most popular sport by far is soccer. The status of naming rights agreements in European soccer is not comparable to the North American situation, but everything indicates that their popularity will continue to rise in the coming years: What are the primary objectives of naming rights agreements? Although most North American sports teams have entered into naming rights agreements, the frequency with which stadiums or sports venues are renamed remains low due to the long-term nature of these arrangements. Companies are prepared to invest considerable sums in these agreements. There are various reasons for this, including the desire to partner with an organization that shares certain values, or to reap the benefits of a unique financial tool, or to consolidate business interests or gain a foothold in a given market. In 2017, the Air Canada Centre, which hosts the Toronto Maple Leafs (NHL) as well as the Toronto Raptors (NBA), was renamed the Scotiabank Arena. Under this agreement, Scotiabank will reportedly pay $40 million annually over 20 years to maintain the new name. At the time, this was a record amount. But the new (publicly disclosed) record is now held by the Arena, formerly known as the Staples Center, home to two NBA teams (LA Lakers and LA Clippers), together with the LA Kings (NHL). In 2021, agreed to pay approximately $50 million annually for 20 years. In addition to the recent CN Sports Complex name change, Uniprix Stadium,which hosts the Omnium National Bank tennis tournament, became IGA Stadium back in 2018. When the IGA Stadium agreement was concluded, Eugène Lapierre, Senior Vice-President at Tennis Canada, offered this assessment: “IGA attaches a good deal of importance to healthy eating, while for our part, we’re working hard to develop tennis in Canada. Our objectives are in sync.”1 Similarly, France Margaret Bélanger, President, Sports and Entertainment of Groupe CH, confirmed this marriage of values between the Montreal Canadiens and CN: “CN is not only a world leader in transportation, but also an iconic Canadian company which, like the Canadiens, has been based in Montreal for over a century.”2 It is clear that these companies were carefully selected on the basis of “common ground”, which implies a sharing of values between them and the operators of the IGA Stadium and the CN Sports Complex. Choosing the right partner: a key strategic issue Choosing the right company whose name or brand will be publicly displayed is essential. An owner or operator will want to avoid any association with a company whose identity is incompatible or whose values are not in alignment. Several examples of dubious partnership choices spring to mind: The Chicago White Sox’s baseball stadium changed its name from U.S. Cellular Field to Guaranteed Rate Field in 2016. This change sparked controversy, drawing ridicule from the public. The problem was that the White Sox are a high-profile brand, known throughout the sports world and enjoying immense prestige. In contrast, Guaranteed Rate was a local company, unknown to many baseball fans, and was simply unable to bear the weight of a storied franchise such as the White Sox. The social networks lit up at the time, adding to Guaranteed Rate’s visibility. The company certainly achieved its objective of “getting its name out there”! Away from the sports realm, another relevant example is the Toronto Transit Commission (TTC), which operates that city’s mass transit system. In April 2023, the TTC announced that it wanted to look into the possibility of selling the rights to name train or subway stations – an idea that it had initially announced in 2011. The outcry was immediate: “This will turn the TTC into a joke”, said Rami Tabello, a representative of the Toronto Public Space Initiative. “It's going to turn our civic identity and put a price tag on it. We need to say that our city is not for sale.”3 Just imagine the conductor’s announcement: “Next stop, Pepsi Station”! Structuring a naming rights agreement Although the parties to naming rights agreements are free to negotiate their own terms and conditions, certain provisions should be included to ensure a good long-term relationship. A naming rights agreement should be comprehensive and detailed enough to enable both parties to “uncouple” quickly and easily if a disturbing or controversial event occurs that could have an adverse impact on their brand image or reputation. As a general rule, such agreements include a termination clause in case one party defaults or is in breach of contract. It is therefore important to clearly identify what constitutes a default or a breach of contract. Along with the digital boards, certain spaces on the ice of hockey rinks or advertising on helmets, crests or jerseys, the rights stemming from a naming agreement are valuable assets that can be monetized by means of various financial instruments. Not only can these agreements be monetized as soon as they are signed, but they can also be transferred for a consideration to a third party, such as an alternative investor. Hence the importance of ensuring that naming rights agreements are flexible and transferable, thereby facilitating third-party transfers and monetization. As an additional type of financial instrument, naming rights agreements provide immediate access to cash flows. Intellectual property and trademark rights: what precautions should be taken? Naming rights agreements often facilitate the creation of new intellectual property linked to the joint use of brands. According to trademark law, the owner of a brand must, and is generally assumed to, exercise control over the products and services associated with the brand. In addition, when a new form of use extends to new services stemming from a naming rights agreement, it is advisable to verify whether the brand’s trademarking is sufficient or should be extended. Here is another point to consider: when the naming rights agreement expires, the chosen partner must not have permanently acquired rights to the brand. These agreements, therefore, must carefully circumscribe property rights as well as the terms and conditions governing intellectual property. It is also important to outline the civil liability arising from use of the brand. Considerations include compensating the brand owner for the partner’s use of the brand and, conversely, compensating the partner in the event that the brand infringes third-party-owned intellectual property. In any event, the brand owner cannot stand idly by if the user goes beyond what is permitted in the agreement (this would amount to breach of contract). North America and Europe: two different realities Naming rights agreements generate significant revenues for sports teams. A team unable to find the right partner may find itself at a disadvantage vis-à-vis other competitors in its league or even compared to other sports. This is the daunting reality facing a number of European soccer clubs, which are having a harder time finding partner companies for naming rights agreements than sports teams are in North America. One British example involves London-based Tottenham Hotspur, which has been unable to find a co-contractor to enter into a naming rights agreement for its new stadium since 2019. The team is now in serious financial difficulty and is attempting to host events other than soccer (concerts, boxing, NFL games, etc.) to make up for its revenue shortfall. In Europe, naming rights agreements are not as widespread as they are in North America. This is primarily due to the fans’ reaction. In Europe, soccer boasts a tradition-steeped history: fans tend to be opposed to change or to the idea of “selling” an iconic stadium to a company. On the other side of the Atlantic, marketing icons are often linked to companies that have signed naming rights agreements. To understand this phenomenon, consider the city of Pittsburgh and the Steelers’ football stadium, which was named Heinz Field for over 20 years under an agreement involving (unsurprisingly) the Heinz company. The stadium was also home to two gigantic Heinz ketchup bottles mounted atop the scoreboard: The Heinz agreement expired and the facility was renamed Acrisure Stadium in July 2022; the ketchup bottles were removed. Steelers fans were soon calling for the ketchup bottles to be brought back—in their eyes, the gigantic bottles were an emblem of the team. Art Rooney II, the team’s legendary owner, acceded to the fans’ demands earlier this year: one of the bottles was reinstalled above a gate outside the stadium. It should be noted that the Heinz company was founded in Pittsburgh in 1869 by Henry J. Heinz; it is still headquartered there. In Pittsburgh, the Heinz family is both emblematic and iconic. For local residents, Heinz is much more than a brand of ketchup or a food processing company: it is a key part of their history and culture, interwoven with the social fabric. The Heinz ketchup bottles towering over the football stadium were not just a marketing ploy; they were also a cherished symbol for the community and the city of Pittsburgh. Conclusion Unbeknownst to many of us, the impacts of naming rights agreements can be felt discreetly in our day-to-day lives. In addition to being a vehicle for conveying emotions and exerting an influence on our experience of certain events and places, these agreements drive our emotional attachment to certain sports properties. Pierre Durocher, Le stadium Jarry change de nom, Le Journal de Montréal, April 16, 2018 ( Montreal Canadiens, Montreal Canadiens' practice facility to be named CN Sports Complex, media release, August 15, 2023 ( CBC News, TTC deal opens door to station naming rights, July 6, 2011 (

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  1. Lavery and its Intellectual Property group recognized in the 2024 edition of the WTR 1000: The World’s Leading Trademark Professionals

    We are pleased to announce that Lavery has been ranked in the 2024 edition of the WTR 1000: The World’s Leading Trademark Professionals. Four of our members have also been recognized as leaders in their respective areas of practice. Geneviève Bergeron Partner | Lawyer - Trademark Agent Geneviève’s practice focuses on all aspects of trademarks, intellectual property transactions, copyright and domain names. Her trademark expertise also includes litigation, such as opposition and cancellation proceedings, formal notices and the negotiation of coexistence and settlement agreements, as well as the drafting, negotiation and review of commercial contracts, such as licence and assignment agreements. Chantal Desjardins - Partner | Lawyer - Trademark Agent Chantal actively assists her clients in establishing their rights in the field of intellectual property, which includes the protection and defence of trademarks, industrial designs, copyright, domain names, trade secrets and other related forms of intellectual property, in order to further their business objectives. Isabelle Jomphe - Partner | Lawyer - Trademark Agent Isabelle’s expertise includes trademarks, industrial designs, copyrights, trade secrets and technology transfers, as well as advertising law and matters related to labelling and the Charter of the French Language. Suzanne Antal - Senior Trademark Agent Suzanne focuses her practice on all aspects of trademark registration, including drafting and filing trademark applications and representing clients in trademark opposition and cancellation proceedings, both nationally and internationally.  The WTR 1000 is a guide that identifies the top trademark professionals and law firms around the globe. The lawyers and law firms featured in this guide are selected further to a rigorous process involving research and interviews with practitioners, clients and in-house counsel. About Lavery Lavery is the leading independent law firm in Québec. Its more than 200 professionals, based in Montréal, Québec City, Sherbrooke and Trois-Rivières, work every day to offer a full range of legal services to organizations doing business in Québec. Recognized by the most prestigious legal directories, Lavery professionals are at the heart of what is happening in the business world and are actively involved in their communities. The firm's expertise is frequently sought after by numerous national and international partners to provide support in cases under Québec jurisdiction.

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